The third beauty contest and talent “Togliatti Tatars Kyzy-2019” (“Tatyana Tolyatti-2019”) will be held in Tolyatti city.
The organizers of the competition are the city national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of Togliatti, city department of culture, KC “Avtograd”, ensemble of Tatar songs and dances “Idel”, House of Friendship of Peoples of the Samara region.
Holding a beauty contest and talent “Tolyatti Tatar Kyzy-2019” (“Tatarochka Tolyatti-2019”) will attract the interest of young people to the traditions, customs and language of the Tatar people, to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the people, promotes patriotism and love for the traditions and customs of their native land and the transfer of spiritual experience to future generations.