Home / News / The awarding ceremony for the winners of the First All-Russian “Tatar chәye” (“Tatar tea”) contest took place in the Tetyusha municipal district
The awarding ceremony for the winners of the First All-Russian “Tatar chәye” (“Tatar tea”) contest took place in the Tetyusha municipal district

The awarding ceremony for the winners of the First All-Russian “Tatar chәye” (“Tatar tea”) contest took place in the Tetyusha municipal district

The awarding ceremony for the winners of the First All-Russian “Tatar chaye” (“Tatar tea”) contest took place on September 26th in the Tetyusha municipal district.

On behalf of Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, The World Congress of the Tatars initiated a contest as part of the “Sәlamәt Millәt” (“Healthy Nation”) program. The program aims to enhance the nation’s health culture, promote a healthy lifestyle, and develop the “Tatar chәe” national brand.

The contest aimed to promote the “Tatar chәe ” brand, encourage tea production as a family business, and revitalize the traditions associated with Tatar tea and its consumption.

Notable attendees included Danis Fanisovich Shakirov, Deputy Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of the Tatars and Head of the Executive Committee; Kadriya Raisovna Idrisova, Head of the Committee for Work with Public Organizations “Ak kalfak” and Chairman of the Republican Public Organisation of Tatar Women “Ak kalfak”; Farit Yazkarovich Urazaev, Executive Director of the World Association for Assistance to Tatar Entrepreneurs, as well as Irek Ildusovich Sharipov, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of the Tatars, Head of the Committee for Work with Offices in the Republic of Tatarstan.

After deliberation, the contest committee, through an open vote, awarded diplomas and valuable gifts to the following winners:

NOMINATION 1 Best Family Business

  1. Ramil Rifkatovich Kabirov (“Babai kinәshe – Grandpa recommends”, Tyumen region)
  2. Khalimdarova Ramziya Raisovna and Khalimdarov Rinas Raufovich (“Tynych avyl ülәnnәre – Grasses of a Quiet Village”, Baltasinskiy district, Republic of Tatarstan)
  3. Siraeva Lyasyan Nailevna (“Zainab – shifaly үlәnnәre – Zainab – honest herbs”, Republic of Bashkortostan)


  1. Yarullin Ramil Faritovich (“Khayati – Khayati”, Republic of Tatarstan, Laishevsky district)
  2. Ruslan Sultanovich Khaliullin (“Tabigyi Yul”, RT, Cheremshansky district)
  3. Gainutdinov Mekhamat Saburovich (“Sarman kuchtәnache”, Sarmanovsky district, RT)

NOMINATION 3 The Best Product

  1. Guzeliya Khamitovna Khadeeva (“BAKCHA – BAKCHA”, RT, Kazan)
  2. Badretdinova Dilbar Damirovna (“Zhu-Zhu”, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz)
  3. Khasanova Sumbel Ilsurovna (“Seitovsky Dar”, Omsk region)
  4. Aptukova Gulnaz Khasanzyanovna (“Chai Barda.Da.”, Perm region, Barda)

NOMINATION 4 Successful business

  1. Vitaliy Viktorovich Kotnikov (“Altayteka”, Altai Territory)
  2. Varis Ramilevich Isanberdin (“Milli”, RT, Kazan)
  3. Abdulin Rustam Shekurovich (“Traktir Sabantuy”, Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk-on-Amur)

NOMINATION 5 Keeper of knowledge

  1. Bilalova Liliya Karimovna (“Tubeteika-market”, Sverdlovsk region)
  2. Ziganshina Milyausha Nurikhanovna (“Dava – tugan yak ulannarendә”, RB)
  3. Akhmadishina Gulnaz Rafisovna (“Shyrlyk chaye”, RT)
  4. Khamzina Rashida Kamilievna (“Preserving the thread of traditions”, Novosibirsk region)


  1. Vasil Vazikhovich Yunusov (“Tau Yagy – Әtrәch chәe”, Republic of Tatarstan, Tetyushsky district)
  2. Salima Salakhovna Arslanova (“Karlygan chәe”, Tetyushsky district, Republic of Tatarstan)
  3. Nuretdinova Flura Minnemukhametovna (“Tatar chәe”, Republic of Bashkortostan)
  4. Salimzyanova R.B., Shamsutdinova R.A. (“Bakyrchy chәe”, Tetyushsky district, Republic of Tatarstan)

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