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Evening of Tatar culture and inspiration

Evening of Tatar culture and inspiration

On September 25, the Pushkin national library of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted an enchanting evening dedicated to Tatar poetry titled “Tatar shigriyate donyasy” (“The world of Tatar poetry”).

This event took place in the Tatar literature section of the department of national and local history literature, immersing guests in the rich tapestry of Tatar culture.

The department staff curated a book exhibition titled “Tatar shigriyate donyasy,” showcasing works by prominent poets and literature about them. The narrative on the history of Tatar poetry was complemented by a vibrant presentation, allowing attendees to appreciate the beauty and depth of the Tatar language.

Poems from various eras were recited by students from grades 5 to 8 of Lyambirskaya school No. 1, as well as 11th-grade students from Tat-Pishlenskaya school. Additionally, performances were delivered by librarians, teachers, and a correspondent for the newspaper “Yuldash” N.H. Nasyrova. Their contributions created a unique atmosphere filled with inspiration.

Nyail Ravilievich Sabitov, imam-hatib of the Central Duma of the Republic of Tatarstan and a specialist in youth engagement at the Spiritual and Cultural Center, addressed the youth with a farewell speech, highlighting the important initiatives undertaken by the center for the younger generation.

A highlight of the evening was a performance by Gyuzel Kazakova, honored worker of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and a winner of numerous song contests. She captivated the audience with beautiful Tatar songs accompanied by her own music, winning the hearts of all present.

The event culminated in a collective rendition of the Tatar anthem – Gabdulla Tukay’s poem “Oh native tongue, oh beautiful language ” – which united all participants in a shared expression of love for their native language and culture.

This unforgettable evening was organized and conducted by Alfia Malancheva, the head librarian of the department of national and local history literature, offering everyone a true celebration of Tatar poetry.

Source: Spiritual and cultural center

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