Home / News / Organizing committee of the V Interregional song contest “Ilham chishmәse” holds meeting
Organizing committee of the V Interregional song contest “Ilham chishmәse” holds meeting

Organizing committee of the V Interregional song contest “Ilham chishmәse” holds meeting

The meeting of the Organizing Committee of the V Interregional song contest “Ilham chishmәse” was held today, October 2, in the building of the World Congress of the Tatars.

The meeting was dedicated to the memory of I.G. Shakirov, People’s Artist of the RSFSR and the Republic of Tatarstan, winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukai.

The main purpose of the contest is to popularize the work of the legendary Tatar singer I.G. Shakirov, to perpetuate his memory, and to educate the younger generation through the example of his profound attitude towards art.

The meeting was attended by Kadriya Raesovna Idrisova, Head of the Committee for Work with Public Organizations “Ak kalfak” and Chairwoman of the Republican Public Organization of Tatar Women “Ak kalfak”; representatives of the open public organization “Megi”; the main sponsors of the competition, the family of Ildar and Milyausha Gamirovs; and professional singer, producer, and director Almaz Azatovich Nurgaliev.

The members of the organizing committee discussed organizational matters of the Interregional song contest “Ilham chishmәse”.

It should be noted that this year, the contest will be held in two nominations, a distinction from previous competitions.

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