On May 31, 2013, an Extraordinary Emergency conference of All-Ukraine Tatar cultural center «Tugan tel» took place in Kiev. The representatives of regional Tatar organizations –members of ATCC (All-Tatar Cultural Center) –Tugan tel and invited the World Congress of Tatars ex.com chairman Rinat Zakirov, chief of section of the WCT ex.com. Lenara Kuteeva, RF embassy in Ukraine secretary Irina Tzareva were present there.
According to the conclusions of mandatory commission, the quorum was present, correspondingly, the conference was eligible to take up decisions.
The conference upon debating took up a decision to acknowledge the decisions adopted at the ATCC conferences as of April 24 and May 25, 2013 illegal due to lack of the quorum.
Meeting participants spoke out on issue of sacking Khusnutdinov К.М. from position of ATCC «Tugan tel» in connection with expressed non-confidence to him. Unanimously, the resolution has been accepted to appoint chairman of Crimean republican association of the Volga Tatars «Idel» Ilmir Timergulov a president of ATCC «Tugan tel», Shaukat Samitov was recommended as his deputy.
The gathered unanimously voted for holding All-Tatar conference of Tatars and Bashkirs and charged «Tugan tel» organization to hold it.