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The Commission on “Coordination of the activities of religious organizations”

The Statute of the Commission “Coordination of the activities of religious organizations” of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars

Article 1

The Commission “Coordination of the activities of religious organizations” (hereinafter the Commission)  was  formed by the decision of the World Congress of Tatars in  2006, as a permanent body of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars.

The main tasks of the Commission are following:

  • Development of a coordination mechanism of activity of religious organizations in the consolidation of the Tatar people;
  • Mediation to resolve ethnic and religious differences that arise in different regions of compact living of Tatars on the basis of respect for democratic principles and norms of international law;
  • Development and facilitation of  the implementation of target programs in the field of confessional  relations;
  • Preparation of analytical documents, conducting research and expert work,  development of practical guidelines for religious and public organizations;
  • Gathering and dissemination of information on major religions in the Republic of Tatarstan, on  activities of Muslim organizations in the areas of compact residence of the Tatars,  preparation of television and radio programs,  problems of the main religions in Tatarstan on Islam in Russia.

Article 2

The Commission carries out its activities in the following areas:

  • Establishment of links with the state, public, academic, and religious institutions, the media, dealing with issues of religion and inter-confessional relations;
  • Promotion of the Congress decisions on issues of religion and interfaith relations.

Article 3

The Commission  shall carry  out  practical work on the basis of plans and decisions adopted by the Executive Committee of the WCT  and at its meetings.

Article 4

This provision may be supplemented and amended by the Executive Committee of the WCT, in accordance with the decision of the World Congress of Tatars.

Chairman of the commission:

  • Rafik Mukhammetshovich  Mukhametshin


  •  Tukaev Mars Rifkatovich

Members of the commission:

  • Bayramova  Fauzia Aukhadievna
  • Latypov Rasikh Muzagitovich
  • Lyapin Fyarit Usmanovich
  • Samatov Tagir Gabdulhakovich
  • Khazipov Yasavi Tagirovich
  • Khakimov Zagir Aksanovich
  • Gareev Amir Gimadislamovich
  • Zabirov Ruslan Ramilevich