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Author Archives: Лукманов Рушан

Muslim Debating Club opens new season

Muslim Debating Club opens new season October 09, 2018 The fourth season of the Muslim Youth Discussion Club starts on October 11. The first meeting will be devoted to the theme “Religiosity and secularism. Where is the line? We live in the 21st century, in the age of technology and the insane rhythm of life. Gadgets and movies, coffee on ...

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Saturday Tatar language courses opened in Antalya

Saturday Tatar language courses opened in Antalya October  08, 2018 Wherever we Tatars live – in Siberia, in China, in America, in Europe or in Turkey – we will always remain Tatars, even after centuries and despite the distances. If we really want to preserve our Tatar language, then it is necessary for each of us to contribute to the ...

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12 girls claim to be the most ideal Tatar of Mordovia

12 girls claim to be the most ideal Tatar of Mordovia October 08,2018 For the first time in the republic  a competition “Tatar kyzy of Mordovia – 2018″will take place. According to its organizers, the event will allow Tatar girls living in a region  – 13 to reveal and demonstrate their talents to everyone. The main objective of the competition ...

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Alfia Avzalova International Festival-Competition will gather 200 participants from around the world

Alfia Avzalova International Festival-Competition will gather 200 participants from around the world October  08, 2018 The Alfiya Avzalova I International Festival-Competition will take place in Kazan on October 20 – 22, the press service and public relations department of the Republican Agency for Press and Mass Communications “Tatmedia” reports. On October 20 and 21, from 10.00 to 18.00, selection rounds ...

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Who will come up with a strategy for  development of the Tatar people?

Who will come up with a strategy for  development of the Tatar people? October 07, 2018 Attention to national issues September 24, 2018,  President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov delivered an annual address  to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this address, tasks for  socio-economic development of the republic are identified, specific ways of solving ...

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In Italy  holiday-festival of Tatar culture to be held

In Italy  holiday-festival of Tatar culture to be held October 07,   2018 On October 12, 2018, in Rome, the Association of Culture “Tatars in Italy” together with the Russian Center for Science and Culture, with the support of the Academy of Angelico Costantiniani of Rome, will hold a holyday- festival of Tatar culture in Italy. The event is dedicated to ...

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“Hippocrates” gathered students of medical universities in Moscow

“Hippocrates” gathered students of medical universities in Moscow October 05, 2018 The activists of the club of students  medical universities “Hippocrates” at the Tatars Shtab  met with leading doctors and heads of medical institutions in Moscow. Thus, in a new autumn season, the  first  meeting     of Tatars  Shtab  in Moscow,  took place in Hippocrates. The event gathered not only students ...

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The concert by   dance ensemble “Kazan” in Bukhara was sold out

The concert by   dance ensemble “Kazan” in Bukhara was sold out October 05, 2018 Tour of the Kazan dance ensemble has  begun in Uzbekistan. They are held with the support of  President of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan and Uzbekistan. Artistic director of the dance ensemble “Kazan” is the People’s Artist of Tatarstan Chulpan Zakirova. On October 3, ...

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The winner of the Interregional Competition “Shoma Bass” will receive 200,000 rubles

The winner of the Interregional Competition “Shoma Bass” will receive 200,000 rubles October  04, 2018 The Sverdlovsk Region will host the Open Interregional Contest of Tatar Dancers “Shoma Bass” (“Dance Merry”) for public organizations and artistic groups of Russian regions. The winner of the Grand Prix is ​​awarded a certificate for tailoring national stage costumes in the amount of 200,000 ...

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The holiday of the Koran will be held in Moscow

The holiday of the Koran will be held in Moscow October 04, 2018 October 21, 2018 in Moscow, in Crocus City Hall  a ceremonial part of the finals of the XIX Moscow International Quran Reader’s Contest will be held. In the program of the holiday of the Quran: Reading the ayahs of the Holy Quran by the invited guests, including ...

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