April 15 at a culture Topkapi park in Istanbul took place a creative conference devoted to the 130th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai.
April 16, 2016, at the Republican Center of Tatar culture First International Festival – Contest of Dance Art of the Turkic peoples "Shoma bass" ( "Easy dancing")
April 8, 2016 (Friday), in the conference hall of the Institute of History after Sh. Mardzhani, Tatartsan Academy of Sciences, a regular meeting of the Club of lovers of history and culture of the Tatars of Kazan at the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan was held.
The two-day festival Jadidfest in "DC-21 (house of culture)" as if shifted holidays into another reality - where Kazan identity manifests itself completely. Radif Kashapov, who took an active part in its holding, saw in it an optimistic omen.
One of these days in Kazan, First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation (Moscow) A.Ch.Ahtareev handed 4 Tatarstaners a medal "In memory of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Musa Jalil" and a letter of thanks from daughter of the poet-hero Ch.M.Zalilova.