Ildar Yagafarov exclusively shared out with his creative plans. According to him, the work called “The Song of Leila” is under development. – Whether this is a series or a feature film – I can not say. But I “support” this scenario. I do not want historical or poetic tape, but a picture of real life, where the village ...
Volgograd - one of the most multicultural cities in Russia. Therefore, the 25th anniversary of the Tatar folk ensemble "Chishma" in House of Culture "Tsarina" has become a holiday for all.
It was under this name, an exhibition, which is held in Kazan the third in a part of the art project “Contemporary Tatar decorative arts.” This project runs from 2013 by the public organization “Club of Tatar art and culture” in conjunction with the museum-reserve “Kazan Kremlin.” The main purpose of the exhibition – to reveal image of features ornament ...
Favorite holiday of Tatars and Bashkirs, Sabantui, has been organized by the regional Tatar national cultural center “Idel” in our city, held in the banquet hall of the regional charity fund “Mahalla”. The celebration was attended by over 200 people. A festive ceremony has been opened by Mullah of Tatar Diaspora of Jizzak region Abyi Rizvan, who read out a ...
July 17, 2014, National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan will mark 182 years since the birth of the collector, archaeologist, numismatist Andrei Fedorovich Likhachev, whose collections had formed the basis of the museum.
After parting with communist ideas Russia did not abandon form opposing itself to the Western world, particularly, foremost ion in issues of the NATO expansion, and today in connection with the Ukrainian events. However, alongside within the country, from time to time, heated chauvinistic sentiments in the form of attacks on the sovereignty of Tatarstan, sometimes as a campaign against ...