On March 22 and 24, 2017, the 4th Republican Conference of Teachers and Students named after Tufan Minnullin was held in Gymnasium No. 12 named after Fatih Aitov (for girls).
March 23, at the Russian Ethnographic Museum, the official opening of the exhibition "The World of the Tatar Culture of the 19th-20th Century" took place. The organizers of the exhibition are: the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, with the support of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of St. Petersburg.
The Organizing Committee of the All-Russian (with international participation) scientific-practical, historical and regional studies conference "Problems of studying, preserving and reviving disappeared villages", which will be held in Aznakaevo (Tatarstan), reports the following:
February 24, 2017, a presentation of the book by one of the classics of Tatar literature "Let's pray" in a literary salon of the cafe "Central" with the great success was held.
The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Zankiev Readings" will be held in Tobolsk, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of writer and teacher Yakub Kamalievich Zankiev.
On March 20, 2017, at 17.00, in a Big Reading Room of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kremlyovskaya St., 33) a meeting with Deserved artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Tatarstan Islamiya Makhmutova will take place.
On March 9, in the conference hall of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the discussion platform "National crafts (beekeeping, fish farming) and export of agricultural products" was held in the framework of the VI All-Russian gathering of entrepreneurs of Tatar villages.