September 20, at the House of RT Government a working meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov with representatives of Tatarstan in the Russian regions and abroad took place.
The Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, with the support of the Government hosted a celebratory festival KurbanFest dedicated to the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.
Staff of History Institute of the RT Academy of Sciences after Sh. Mardzhani participated in the work of the Scientific and Practical Conference «V. Yakupovskie readings: the study and preservation of the Tatar traditions in Muslim epigraphy", held September 15, 2016 on the basis of the Russian Islamic University.
September 18-20, 2016, at the Kazan Kremlin, on the basis of the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "The Kazan Kremlin" and Center "Hermitage-Kazan" an international round table devoted to the book of Ahmad ibn Fadlan, his epoch and archaeological collections will be held .
On September 16 at the Tatar cultural center of Moscow will be a joint recital by the poet, writer and public figure, the main "Idel" editor Albina Absalyamova and composer, Honored art worker of the Republic of Tatarstan Zulfiya Raupova.
September 9 historians and local lore specialists of the Republic of Crimea and the Tyumen oblast at the round table "From the Crimea to Siberia: the preservation and popularization of the medieval historical and cultural heritage" will discuss the issues of historical heritage of the Tatar khanates - Crimean and Siberian ones.
August 28, the residents of Kurennaya Oshma, a small taiga Tatar village, founded over 100 years ago by the Tatars-Stolypins, celebrated the 100th anniversary of their mosque.