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Рубрика: National life

Rustam Minnikhanov addressed the VI All-Russian Forum of Tatar religious leaders in Kazan

The Islamic world is experiencing a severe trials, which can be overcome only through joint efforts. This was stated by Acting President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov at the plenary session of the VI All-Russian Forum of Tatar religious figures "National identity and religion", which takes place in Kazan from June 12 to 14, 2015.

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Holiday of the Tatar folklore in a village Kamaevo of the Vysokogorsky municipal region

May 30, 2015, In the Iske – Kazansky State historical-cultural and natural museum-reserve, located in a village of Kamaevo of the Vysokogorsky municipal region a big celebration of Tatar folklore to be held with the participation of laureates and winners of the National Festival of Tatar folklore "Iske Kazan tugyaryak ueny" which on this day will held III round selection in the Shapshinskoy rural House of Culture, and then come to the holyday.

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