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Рубрика: National life

Tatar youth is interested in Ulyanovsk national cinematography

In the center of Tatar culture of the city of Ulyanovsk, a free preview of Tatar comedy film by Nuria Jamali “Kiyaү Balakay” was arranged. The organizer of the event became the Ulyanovsk Oblast Tatar Youth Public Organization “Yana Dulkyn.” Many generations have their idols, their favorite films and favorite directors, but at the same time we should not forget ...

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Albina Shagimuratova to sing Queen of the Night in Munich and New York

In late October, People’s Artist of Tatarstan , a soloist of M. Jalil TASTO&B Albina Shagimuratova performed at the New stage of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg) in the gala concert dedicated to the works of Mozart. The concert included arias and duets from the most popular opera composer in the performance of soloists and symphony orchestra conducted by Mikhail l ...

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In Ulyanovsk city Convention of Teachers of Tatar will take place

November 5, 2013, in Ulyanovsk, in the center of Tatar culture, the II Convention of Teachers of Tatar language and literature, chiefs of faculties and circles of Ulyanovsk region will take place. The aim of the congress is consolidation and integration of various ethnic groups in education system of the Ulyanovsk oblast, formation, development and improvement of teaching of the ...

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Museum of skullcaps in the Perm region can grow to the Museum of National Costume

One of the most distinctive national museums  of Perm region – skullcaps Museum in the village of Berezniki Barda regiont – recently added new exhibit. Thanks to   a grant from the regional Ministry of Culture of the local recreation center, the project “Pearls Pritulvya”re implemented  in which in the remote communities of the region  were visited  by  the folk group ...

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Kazan will host an international conference on education

1 November,   Kazan will host the International scientific- practical conference “Multicultural education area of the Volga region: the ways and forms of integration”. The event will be held at three venues – at the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, school number 27 with the Tatar language and the House of Peoples’ Friendship. The conference will consider the problem ...

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Rinat Zakirov answered the questions of the program “Adymnar”

Today, October 31 Chairman of the Board of the World Tatar Congress Rinat Zakirov answered questions from the weekly current affairs program “Adymnar”, aired on the TV channel “Kazan” . Questions of   journalist Sariah Habibullina concerned program of national identity of the Tatar people, adopted at the last convention  the  V World Congress of Tatars. In those days, it became ...

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International Olympiad on Tatar language and literature

International Olympiad on Tatar language and literature (further in the text – the Olympiad) is organized for schoolchildren and students of the subjects of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the framework of the state programs of the Republic of Tatarstan on the study, the preservation and the development of the state languages of the Republic of Tatarstan and ...

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Farid Shagiakhmetov becomes new general director of JSC Tatmedia

Farid Shagiakhmetov appointed as new general director of JSC Tatmedia. Previously, he served as deputy head of the National Agency for Press and Mass Communications. We remind , the agency recently undergone changes: Asgat Safarov had been elected as new chairman of the board of directors. For reference: Farid Ildusovich Shagiakhmetov born August 9, 1964. He graduated from Moscow Printing ...

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