November 20, in the village Sarabikulovo of the Leninogorsk rayon of Tatarstan an All-Russian Scientific, Local History Conference titled "Man and Nature in Leninogorsk region and South-East Tatarstan.
October 27 this year in the building of the Russian Geographical Society, which was established on the highest command of Tsar Nicholas I in 1845 to "study the native land and the people inhabiting it" a solemn meeting of the Polar Commission of the Russian Geographical Society was held.
Among the recipients, a talented Tatar girl. For her outstanding abilities and significant achievements in socio-cultural and other socially useful activity the badge "The Future of the Novosibirsk Region" was awarded Daniya Nigmatovna Khaibullina - a student of the Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after MI Glinka. "
November 7, at the School of Olympic Reserve "Priboi, " championship of the Tyumen region's national sport wrestling "Koresh" in memory of the Hero of Russia Raushan Abdullin due to open.
The Italian Hall of the Academy of Fine Arts of St. Petersburg a personal exhibition by Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, the artistic director of the Russian Academy of Arts GFN Vinera Abdullina will take place exhibition.
At the old Tatar village Azeev, the Yermishinsky rayon of the Ryazan Region, the museum has been inaugurated in honor of a native of the village Azeevo, a major statesman of the Soviet epoch, the great son of the Tatar people Fikryat Akhmetzakievich Tabeev.
From October 5 to 11 October the theater named after Kamal and Theatre after K.Tinchurin will host a festival of performances by Tufan Minnullin. October 11, the evening of his memory will be held , which will feature theaters of Bashkortostan, Mari El, Tatarstan.
On the name of chairman of the executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov congratulations on the sacred holiday of all Muslims Kuraban Bayram from chairman of a centralized religious organization "Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol" Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Emirali Ablaev have been received.