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The IV Tatar Song Festival “Uzguresh Zhile” starts in Kazan

November  28, 2019 On November 28 and 29 on the stage of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil for the fourth time the festival of the Tatar song “Uzguresh Kile” (“Wind of Changes”) will be held. The idea of ​​creating the festival belongs to RT President Rustam Minnikhanov. The first festival was held in ...

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The Republican Children’s Library of Tatarstan held a literary holiday “Kitaply Gailә – bәkhetle gailә

November 27, 2019 On November 26, the Republican Children’s Library held, together with the Tatar Family All-Russian Public Fund, the literary holiday Kitaply Gailә – Bakhetle Gailә = Book Family – A Happy Family ”. Young Tatar families of the Novo-Savinovsky district came to the holiday. Director of the library Mukhametgareeva I.D. addressed the guests with welcoming words. and director ...

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At the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting was held with  organizer of the Dairafest Festival D. Kucherov

November 27, 2019 On November 26, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Renat Valiullin met with  art director, curator and one of the organizers of the Dairafest Festival in 2019 Denis Kucherov. At the meeting, the parties discussed the Dairafest Festival, which in 2019 is dedicated to the ...

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Sadakomats will be installed in Tatarstan – terminals for online payments of zakat and sadaki

November  27, 2019 The Religious Board  of Muslims of Tatarstan  (DUM RT) and PayZakat LLC  have  signed a partnership agreement on the introduction of the PayZakat platform in mosques and shopping centers in Kazan. Special terminals – sadakomats – will be installed for convenience of Muslims who wish to fulfill the third pillar of Islam – to pay zakat, as ...

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Tatar Culture Day at the  Verkhny  Ufaley

November 27, 2019 November 23 at the Leisure Center of Verkhny  Ufaley, the Chelyabinsk Region, a traditional annual Tatar Culture Day was held. It was organized by the Miras city Tatar cultural center and its leader Reda Kabirova with the support of the administration of the Verkhneufaley city district in the best traditions of the Tatar national holiday: a contest ...

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On November 21, as part of the Idel Yort festival, the troupe of the Chelyabinsk People’s Theater worthily performed on the Kazan stage with the performance “Bashmagym.”

On November 21, as part of the Idel Yort festival, the troupe of the Chelyabinsk People’s Theater worthily performed on the Kazan stage with the performance “Bashmagym.” Oksana Ilyup, performer  of the main role, shared her impressions: “This is great pride and joy for us! We are very grateful to the head of the Chelyabinsk Regional Tatars Congress, Kolesnikova Lena ...

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Project of Tatara Tyumen: one year of fruitful work

  November 26, 2019 On November 24, young, proactive, talented, aspiring to build an active life position young people of the project  Tatars of  Tyumen  celebrated their first birthday. All guests at the beginning of the event were welcomed by the chairman of the MKDC Tatars of Tyumen Zufar Mukhametshin and one of the founders of the Tatars of Tyumen ...

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The editor-in-chief of the «Samara Tatars» magazine will speak  about  preservation of the Tatar language

November 26, 2019 Today Daniyar Sayfiev, editor-in-chief of «Samara Tatars»  magazine, will be a guest of the School of International Communications # ШМК2019. The meeting will be held at: Interuniversity Humanitarian Museum Center of Samara University, Academician Pavlov street 1, building 22-c. The meeting starts at 18:00. Free admission. Daniyar Sayfiev, editor-in-chief of «Samar Tatarlary» magazine (Samara Tatars), executive director ...

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Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov meets with Tatars of Uzbekistan

Today, in the conference hall of the Registan Plaza Samarkand hotel (Samarkand, Uzbekistan), a meeting was held between the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov and representatives of the Tatar public organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The meeting was moderated by  Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World ...

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