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Congratulation by  Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Tatars Congress V.G. Shaikhraziev

November 24, 2019 Happy Mother’s Day! On the last Sunday of November in our country  Mother’s Day is marked. As popular wisdom says: “With the sun it’s warm, with mother is good.” Indeed, at home  where mother lives, there is a ray of goodness that warms us in the cold  and quenches our thirst in  summer heat. For each of ...

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Kemerovo woman performed the Tatar dance and became the owner of the “golden diploma”

November 22, 2019 Kemerovo Dana Shkuratova has subdued   the jury of the All-Russian dance competition “Rite of Spring”, one of the organizers of which was People’s Artist of Russia Ilze Liepa. Now the winner of the full-time stage of the competition will perform at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. An in-person viewing competition of children’s and youthful dance groups within ...

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Albert Asadullin visited the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in St. Petersburg

November  22, 2019 The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Renat Valiullin met with  Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People’s Artist of Tatarstan Albert Asadullin. Albert Asadullin spoke about his creative plans and ideas. Also, at the meeting, the parties raised issues of the upcoming 100th anniversary of the ...

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In Aznakayevo solemnly monument to mother  unveiled

November  22, 2019 On November 21, the  monument to  Mother was unveiled  on Syuyumbike Street in Aznakaevo. The ceremony was attended by the head of the district Marcel Shaydullin and local residents. The author of the sculpture is a member of the Union of Artists of Tatarstan Rasim Sharifullin. His monumental works adorn the streets of many cities of the ...

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At the Veshkaim district of the Ulyanovsk region the Day of the Tatar language and culture celebrated

November 20, 2019 November 19,  at the Veshkaymsky district of the Ulyanovsk region  the Day of the Tatar language and culture  was celebrated. With the participation of representatives of the regional and district national autonomies and public organizations, the round table summed up the Year of National Unity, and discussed  development of Tatar culture in the municipality. At the  Veshkaymsky ...

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A music festival dedicated to composer Nazib Zhiganov takes place  in Kazakhstan

November  20, 2019 On November 19, 2019, in the city of Uralsk, the West Kazakhstan Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the West Kazakhstan Region and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, the Public Association “Cultural Tatar Center” prepared and held the International Music Festival dedicated to ...

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Festival of Tatar creativity will be held in Nizhny Novgorod

November 20, 2019 This Friday, November 22, 2019, in Nizhny Novgorod, the grand opening of the IX Interregional Festival of Tatar Folk Art “MILLI KOY” will take place. According to the press service of the regional government, the event is scheduled for 17:00 at  the Central Palace of Culture of Railwaymen. The organizers of the festival note that the purpose ...

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Contest of readers of the Koran will be held in Tchistopol, dedicated to the memory of Gabdulhak Hazrat Samatov

November  20, 2019 In Tatarstan, the month of the prominent Tatar religious leader Gabdulkhak Hazrat Samatov continues. In this regard, on November 23, at the Vostok center of Tchistopol, a zone contest of Koran readers will be held. The competition is open to children aged 3 to 15 years living in cities and regions of the southern part of the ...

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