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The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan  discussed the concept of creating a film about the St. Petersburg Tatars

  September 10, 2019 In the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, a meeting of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan Renat Valiullin with a journalist, director of the film “Musa Jalil. Sentenced to immortality”   with  Nina Prakharzh. The meeting was also attended by  general director of ...

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Visit by  the Buinsky State Drama Theater   to Omsk

September 08, 2019 Within the framework of the Interregional Program “Big Tours”, the Buinsky State Drama Theater will show its performances in Omsk on October 12 on  the stage of the City Drama Theater “Studio” of  L. Ermolaeva, at the address: Omsk, st. Chemists, d. 27   10:00 – “Traffic Light” – children’s play about the rules of the road, ...

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Tatars of Mordovia will be met by “Native tunes”

  September 08, 2019 On September 22, a Republican festival-contest of the Tatar song “Avylym Tavyshlary” (“Native Chants”) will be held in Saransk. The festival of Tatar culture is held 10 times. Spectators and participants are awaited  in the Republican Palace of Culture. Folklore-ethnographic and vocal ensembles of Saransk will perform on the stage.   Performers will compete in two ...

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Scholars will discuss issues of ethno-religious identity of the Tatar people in the context of globalization

  September  05, 2019 The Center for Islamic Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, from September 18 to 20, 2019 holds the II International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Ethnoreligious identity of the Tatar people in the context of globalization.” Within the framework of the event, it is planned to discuss a number of issues related to ...

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Tatar women of Ak Kalfak organization of Nizhny Novgorod region gathered at a round table

  September 05,  2019 Under the autonomy of the Tatars of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Ak Kalfak public organization of Tatar women has been active for many years. The head of this organization is Zilya Akhmadullina, deputy executive director of the autonomy. This week, two retreats have been  held   participation of Zilya Ardinatovna – in the village Urazovka and ...

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A new TV program designed to preserve languages ​​began to be released in Tatarstan

  September  05, 2019 The program “Belem Dunyasy” (“World of Knowledge”) began to appear on the TNV channel in a new format. The program is implemented within the framework of the concept of state national policy in the Republic of Tatarstan and is aimed at preserving the cultures and languages ​​of different peoples living in the region. The program comes ...

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In St. Petersburg, the exhibition “SONG OF THE NATIVE LAND” by artist Ramziya Zinnatova began working

Today, at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the grand opening of the exhibition “Song of the Native Land”, which represents the work of the Tatar artist Ramzia Zinnatova, took place. The exhibition is dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan and in preparation for celebration ...

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Ilshat Gafurov: No one but only we train specialists in the Tatar language

  September 04, 2019 According to the rector of Kazan Federal Uuniversity Ilshat Gafurov, today at the university 890 people   are receiving  education in the Tatar language. Most of them will become specialists in Tatar philology  and the Tatar language. Part of 890 people are students of national journalism. For  the last two years, admission to this specialty is carried ...

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Republic Day of Tatarstan in Yekaterinburg

September  03, 2019 On August 30, in honor of the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the assistance of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Sverdlovsk Region, a festive event was held in the family recreation park “Elmashevsky”. At the grand opening, RT Permanent Representative Kh.M. Gilfanov greeted the participants and congratulated them on Republic ...

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