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On the eve of Kurban-bairam, charity initiatives are gaining strength in Zakyat  Charitable fund;

July  31, 2019 On August 11, Muslims of the whole world will celebrate one of the main holidays – Kurban-bayram (or Eid al-Adha). On the eve of Kurban-bairam, the Zakat Charitable Foundation, the DUM RT traditionally strengthens social initiatives and organizes a number of charitable events. Thus, within the framework of the upcoming holiday, from today until August 1 – ...

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Where and how   Kurban-Bairam   will  be  celebrated in Ufa

July 30, 2019 Kurban-bairam – the main and most recognizable event in the Islamic calendar. It is celebrated in honor of the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) 70 days after another big Islamic event, Uraza Bairam. In 2019, the holiday falls on August 11th. Due to the fact that the holiday falls on Sunday, in the Republic of ...

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R. Valiullin meets with Director of the Russian Museum of Ethnography V. Grusman   July 30, 2019

July 30, 2019   The Russian Ethnographic Museum of St. Petersburg hosted a meeting of Renat Valiullin, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, with the museum director Vladimir Grusman.   At the meeting, the exposition of the museum devoted to everyday life, culture and traditional occupations of the ...

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The  Tatar holiday was held in Tyumen to celebrate the 433th anniversary of the city

July 29, 2019 The traditional folk holiday “Sabantuy-2019” congratulated the First City of Siberia – Tyumen on a unique historical heritage and the Tyumen Region – an area of ​​strong spirit people happy birthday !!! The national Tatar holiday in celebration of the 433th anniversary of Tyumen was held on July 27 in the Recreation Area of ​​Zarechny microdistrict and ...

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The 2021st is proposed to declare the year of the history and culture of the Tatars of Lithuania

The chairman of the parliamentary commission of historical memory and the struggle for freedom, Arunas Gumulyauskas, proposes to declare 2021th the year of culture and history of the Tatars of Lithuania. In two years, 700 years of the conclusion of an alliance between the head of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Gediminas and the Tatars, will be celebrated, and then ...

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Only half of those enrolled at the Russian Islamic Institute complete their studies.

  July 27,2019 Only half of the students admitted to the full-time department of the Russian Islamic Institute completes their studies and receive diplomas. Rector of the Russian Islamic Institute and Kazan Islamic University, Rafik Mukhametshin, spoke about this at a press conference at the Tatar-inform news agency dedicated to the admissions campaign in the universities he leads. “If we ...

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Tatarstan presented with a sculpture of Kul Gali

July 09, 2019 In the framework of the Days of Tatarstan in Moscow, the sculpture of the poet, an outstanding representative of the medieval Volga-Bulgarian literature Kul Gali was shown to  President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The work to  the head of the republic   was  shown by  the author – sculptor Alexander Golovachev. Alexander Vasilyevich gave it ...

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