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Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated Tatarstanians on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr

June  04, 2019 President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated residents of the republic on the upcoming holiday of Uraza Bayram. He noted the close connection of the holiday with the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Tatar people and wished happiness and well-being to all Tatarstan people. It is reported by the press service of the resident of the Republic ...

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Iftar in Urazovka

For the fourth year in a row, a group of young people living in Moscow and the village, together with some sponsors from among their fellow villagers in the Holy Month of Ramadan, are organizing a holiday for the fasting people in the courtyard of the Urazov Mosque. If in the first years the number of invitees reached from 120 ...

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Congratulation by  Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars V.G. Shayhraziev on the occasion of Uraza Bayram

June 03, 2019 Dear Muslims, dear fellow believers! The precious month of Ramadan, which we have been waiting for all year, has come to an end. In this holy month, our co-religionists from the sunrise to the sunset refrained from eating, from inappropriate insults to the neighbor and other forbidden acts, and after sunset they conducted Iftar surrounded by close ...

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Activists of the Tatars Headquarters visited the orphanage

At the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the activists of the “Tatars of Moscow Headquarters” visited the Kondrovo City Children’s Home and organized a field trip for orphans. The event was timed to the International Children’s Day. During the event, the guests organized an entertainment program for orphans and held intellectual games. At the end of the holiday, ...

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Iftar  by   “The Shtab of Tatars  (Tatars Headquarters)” at the Yardam mosque will become traditional

June 02, 2019 “The Headquarters of the Tatars of Moscow” hold a solemn evening – Iftar in a mosque and  rehabilitation center for the blind “Yardam” of the city of Kazan. 1,200 people, including the blind, undergoing rehabilitation at the Yardam center, take part in the Iftar of the Kazan Yardam mosque every day. The Headquarters of the Tatars of ...

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Tatar community “Antalya Tatarlar” invites you to the 2nd International Sabantuy

June 03, 2019 FRIENDS OF THE TATAR COMMUNITY “ANTALY TATTARLARY” INVITES ALL OF JUNE 23, 2019 TO THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SABANTY IN ANTALYA!   The folk holiday Sabantuy is celebrated for more than a hundred years. The program of Sabantuya will please everyone: residents and guests of Antalya will have the opportunity to get acquainted with Tatar traditions: national cuisine, ...

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Kazan is preparing for Sabantuy for a million euros

  May 29,2019 Almost 72 million rubles are ready to spend the Kazan authorities on wedding of arable land and plow. This money is intended for the celebration of Sabantui at four sites: in the Birch Grove near the village of Mirny, in the forest park at Lebyazhy Lake, at the Kazan hippodrome in Derbyshki. Bayanists and humorists will entertain ...

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Irada Ayupova spoke about the difficulties in installing the monument to Syuyumbike in Kazan

May 29, 2019 According to the monument to Syuyumbike, there is no concrete solution yet. The work by  the sculptor Kamil Mullachev is there, but there are questions about the installation of this monument, Tatarstan Culture Minister Irada Ayupova told at a traditional meeting with journalists. “Kamil Mullashev has a very interesting work, we discussed it at  meeting of the ...

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Samara is preparing for Sabantuy

May  23, 2019 Last week, a series of meetings on preparations for the All-Russian Village  Sabantuy took place: on May 16, members of the organizing committee under the leadership of Acting  head of the district took part in a meeting of the government of the Samara region;  on May 17, at the district center regular field   session under chairing of ...

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