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“Days of the Native Language” at the Historical Park of Kazan

“Days of the Native Language” at the Historical Park of Kazan April 25, 2019 With the onset of spring, the Tatar world begins preparations for celebrating the birthday of the great Tukai. It is said that on this day – April 26 – even nature is transformed, the warm sunshine warms not only the environment, but also human souls. So ...

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Kamal Theater took part in the International Festival in Hungary

  Kamal Theater took part in the International Festival in Hungary April 24,2019 G.Kamala Tatar State Academic Theater took part in the VI Imre Madach International Theater Festival (MITEM, Madách International Theater Meeting) in Budapest. Yesterday, on the stage of the National Theater of Hungary, Kamalov’s performances, with a full house, played the play “Alien” based on a play by ...

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Selim Bayraktar, Larisa Udovichenko, Boris Grachevsky and Yulia Rutberg will be on the star track at the opening of the 15th Kazan Film Festival

  Selim Bayraktar, Larisa Udovichenko, Boris Grachevsky and Yulia Rutberg will be on the star track at the opening of the 15th Kazan Film Festival Today, on April 24, the XV International Muslim Cinema Festival will open in Kazan. The opening ceremony will be held at the Tatar State Academic Theater named after G.Kamal, beginning at 19.00. The start of ...

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A concert by the “Sandugach”  collective  took place in Surgut

A concert by  the “Sandugach”  collective  took place in Surgut   April  01, 2019   On March 31, in the building of the city Cultural center “Stroitel (Builder)” Surgut, a concert of the Tatar culture group “Sandugach” was held, dedicated to the memory of the hero of the Soviet Union, the great poet and patriot – Musa Dzhalil. The concert ...

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Representatives of “Ak Kalfak Samara” visited the author of the idea of ​​creating the first Tatar school of Samara

Representatives of “Ak Kalfak Samara” visited the author of the idea of ​​creating the first Tatar school of Samara April 01, 2019 The women’s organization “Ak Kalfak Samara” continues a series of interesting meetings. Yesterday, representatives of the organization visited a Woman  of amazing fate, the author of the idea of ​​creating the first Tatar school of Samara, its first ...

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In Penza, the role of mothers in preserving native language discussed

In Penza, the role of mothers in  preserving r native language discussed April 01, 2019 In the Penza region of Kamensky district,  at the Cafe of the White Mountain tourist camp Ak Kalfak  conference  was held.  The theme: “The role of the Mother Woman in  preserving of the native language.” Teachers, workers of houses of culture, kindergartens, members of the ...

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The  Perm Krai is preparing for the forum “Muslim World 2019”

The  Perm Krai is preparing for the forum “Muslim World 2019” March 31, 2019 On April 11-14, the annual exhibition of Muslims of the Perm Krai “Muslim World 2019” will take place at the exhibition association Perm Fair. The Muslim World Forum is a large-scale event aimed at harmonizing  inter-ethnic relations, developing the culture of the peoples, who traditionally profess ...

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Young musicians from Bukhara met with the sights of Kazan

Young musicians from Bukhara met with the sights of Kazan March 31, 2019 From March 21 to March 26, a delegation of young musicians from the city of Bukhara visited Kazan to participate in the International Competition-Festival “Kazan Patterns”. As part of the trip, the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars organized a tour for young talents from ...

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Crimean community of Tatarstan and  Public Chamber of Crimea have signed a cooperation agreement

Crimean commenity  of Tatarstan and  Public Chamber of Crimea  have  signed a cooperation agreement March 31, 2019 The State Council of the Republic signed a cooperation agreement between the regional public organization “Crimean community of the Republic of Tatarstan” and the Public Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the correspondent of the Crimean Information Agency reports. The document was signed ...

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In Nurlat,   the “Tatar kyzy-2019” recognized 

In Nurlat,  the “Tatar kyzy-2019” recognized March 29, 2019 Beautiful, modest, discreet and at the same time skilled women in needlework, singing, dancing and a soul filled with   a national spirit … Yesterday, at  the Palace of Culture of the city of Nurlat, the municipal stage of the international contest “Tatar Kyzy-2019” took place, and all its participants had these ...

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