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Tatar Congress brings condolences to the family and friends of Ilgam Shakirov

Tatar Congress brings condolences to the family and friends of Ilgam Shakirov January 16, 2019 The legendary Tatar singer and cultural figure, People’s Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, the winner of the State Award of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukai and the winner of the Golden Apollon Ilgam Gilmutdinovich Shakirov died in ...

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Samara Tatar Society “Tugan Tel” is preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary

Samara Tatar Society “Tugan Tel” is preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary January 16, 2019 Yesterday, January 15, 2019, a meeting of the working group on  implementation of the plan of activities for 2019  related to the 30th anniversary of the Samara regional Tatar society “Tugan Tel”  took place. The meeting was held in the office of  chairman of the ...

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“Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People

“Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People January 16, 2019 In 2018, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, in his address  to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, stated the need to develop and adopt a Strategy for ...

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Cultural luminaries  of  the G.Kamal  theater  met with students of the Tatar school in Moscow

Cultural luminaries  of  the G.Kamal  theater  met with students of the Tatar school in Moscow January  15, 2019 On the initiative of the Headquarters of the Tatars of Moscow at the Tatar school named after M. Jalil in  Moscow a creative meeting with  actors of the Kamal Theater took place. Luminaries  of the Tatar Theater Azgar Shakirov, Nail Dunaev, Aidar ...

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Pavel Shmakov: “Why do I defend and will defend the Tatar language?”

Pavel Shmakov: “Why do I defend and will defend the Tatar language?”   January 15, 2019   Pavel Shmakov, the teacher and founder of the school Solntze  , discusses why it is important for  residents of Tatarstan to learn the Tatar language. Kazan Reporter publishes the opinion of  teacher and public figure. Why is this issue  important to me personally? ...

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A sketch of the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People has been   presented to the staff of the World Congress of Tatars

Today, the first developments on the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People have been  presented to the staff of the World Tatar Congress. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev, every employee of the Congress should know what kind of document it is and ...

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The museum, which tells about the Tatar tea traditions, opened in Kazan

The museum, which tells about the Tatar tea traditions, opened in Kazan January 15, 2019 In Kazan, the museum  “Chak-tea”, telling about the Tatar tea traditions has opened. Now you can find out exactly which sort of drink the Tatars chose in the villages and where the roots of the Tatar tea ceremony came from. About the difference between tea ...

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“Kем мин,, Tatar bulmagach” – Vasil Shaykhraziev proposed a slogan for  Development Strategy of the Tatar people

“Kем мин,, Tatar bulmagach” – Vasil Shaykhraziev proposed a slogan for  Development Strategy of the Tatar people   January 14, 2019   “Kem min, Tatars bulmagach” (“Who am I, if not a Tatar”) – Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev proposed such a slogan for the Strategy for ...

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