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“And you are worthy of brave ancestors, and before the time used to not bend, the Tatar forged language …”

“And you are worthy of brave ancestors, and before the time used to not bend, the Tatar forged language …” 04.05. 2018 Party in the style of “Evening Urgant”: this way Kazan celebrated the 80th anniversary of Rabit Batulla «Live! Struggle for the Tatar language! “- the writer Rabit Batullah said on the eve of his jubilee evening at the ...

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The X regional festival of creativity of national cultures “Our Home – Kaluga”

The X regional festival of creativity of national cultures “Our Home – Kaluga” 04.05. 2018   About a thousand people gathered on April 28 at the Regional Youth Center to plunge into the culture of different nationalities at the X regional festival of creativity of national cultures “Our Home – Kaluga”. More than ten different national associations participated in the ...

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Jubilee Tatar holiday  at the “Proletarka” held

  On April 28, 2018, the national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the Tver region at the recreation center “Proletarka” celebrated its 20th anniversary. 04.05.2018 On April 28, 2018, the national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the Tver region at the recreation center “Proletarka” celebrated its 20th anniversary. Guests from Moscow, Kazan, representatives of the government of the Tver region, ...

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“Tatars kyzy (Tatar beauty)” of Moscow: 23 participants will compete for the finals

“Tatars kyzy (Tatar beauty)” of Moscow: 23 participants will compete for the finals 03.05.2018 On April 27 the meeting of the organizing committee for the international contest “Tatar kyzy(Tatar beauty) ” was held at the Plenipotentiary of the RT in Russia. 23 participants will compete for the final in the Moscow stage of the competition. We remind  that the first ...

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Tatars and Bashkirs of Switzerland invite to Sabantuy

Tatars and Bashkirs of Switzerland invite to Sabantuy   03.05. 2018   The Association of Tatars and Bashkirs of Switzerland “Yuldash” invites to  Sabantuy to the main holiday of the year! The national holiday will be held on June 17. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the Tatar and Bashkir peoples! Sabantuy ...

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The novel “Black Kolyma” by Ibrahim Salakhov translated into Kazakh

The novel “Black Kolyma” by Ibrahim Salakhov was translated into Kazakh 01/05/2018 The novel “Black Kolyma” of the famous Kazakh writer Ibrahim Salakhov was translated into Kazakh. This was reported by the chairman of the Union of Tatars and Bashkirs of Akmola region Rafail Sulkarnaev. “On our initiative, the novel-chronicle of our compatriot Ibrahim Salakhov was translated. A journalist, writer, ...

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Tatarstan cinema: there is something to see!

From April 25 to 30, Kazan hosts the “Tatarstan Film Week” with film screenings and creative meetings. 30.04.2018 From April 25 to 30, Kazan hosts the “Tatarstan Film Week” with film screenings and creative meetings. As the press service of the State Television and Radio Company of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarkino” reports, the program included films of a broad ...

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A literary-musical meeting dedicated to Ravil Bukharaev was held in Hungary  

28/04/2018   Within the framework of the events dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the International Association of Tatars of the European Union “Alliance of Tatars of Europe” today in Budapest, at the Russian Center for Science and Culture, a literary and musical meeting “Bukharaev: the Facets of Creativity” was held. For the evening, everyone was invited to recall or ...

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Vasil Shaykhraziev met with Russian Ambassador to Hungary Vladimir Sergeyev

Vasil Shaykhraziev met with Russian Ambassador to Hungary Vladimir Sergeyev 04/28/2018 Today, as part of the working visit to Budapest, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Tatar Congress Vasil Shaikhraziev, Chairman of the Alliance of Tatars of Europe Flyur Sharipov and delegation from Tatarstan met with Russian Ambassador to Hungary ...

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Nurbek Batulla received the “Golden Mask”

Today, the production of “The Call of Beginning” has  brought to the Kazan actor Nurbek Batulla “The Golden Mask” for the best male role. 15.04. 2018 The ceremony of awarding the theatrical award “Golden Mask-2018” for the 24th time started on the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, TASS reported. Today, the production of “The Call of Beginning” ...

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