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Tatars of Azerbaijan met with representatives of Russian Muslim Religious Board in Baku

On December 22, after the Friday prayer at the Ezderbey mosque in Baku (Tatar mosque), the Tatar Diaspora of Azerbaijan met with the first deputy chairman of the Religious Board of the Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Khazrat Damir Mukhetdinov and the head of the CIS Department of the International Department RBM RF Nail Shakirov.

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Ethnography about the Tatars of Western Siberia

Today, on December 14, 2017, at the Center for Local Lore Information of the Pushkin Library in Omsk, a lecture by  the public ethno-cultural lecture "Peoples of Omsk Priirtyshye" will be held. The theme of the lecture is "Ethnography about the Tatars of Western Siberia".

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