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Nizhgar Bike – the most-most tatarochka

In Kochko -Pozharsky Culture House (Nizhny Novgorod region) within the framework of cultural and educational activities of women's organization "Ak kalfak" under Regional National Cultural Autonomy of Tatars (RNCATNO) of Nizhny Novgorod oblast, an inter-regional National Contest of beauty and talent among rural women Tatar "Nizhgarbike 2016" on April 8 - "Nizhgarochka 2016" took place.

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Chairman of the executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov praised the contribution of the Acting Governor Sergei Morozov in the preservation of national identity of the residents of the Ulyanovsk region

Chairman of the executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov praised the contribution of the Acting Governor Sergei Morozov in the preservation of national identity of the residents of the Ulyanovsk region

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“Civic Education” Seminar

March 28-29, 2016, Moscow, Consulting and Designing session took place of the participants of the project "School-Workshop of civic education teachers" (project manager Tsar'kov B.V. ), which was attended by chairman F.Mukhtasarov of RTNCA MO and R.Guzairov – editor of the book "Tatars suburbs."

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