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President of Tatarstan congratulated Farid Mukhametshin on his election as Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan

“There is no doubt that you will further continue to intelligently guide our Parliament for development of Tatarstan – Rustam Minnikhanov siad. Today Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated Secretary of the Political Council of Tatarstan regional branch of the party “United Russia” Farid Mukhametshin in connection with his election to the post of Chairman of the State Council of the ...

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Orenburg Tatar theater opens anniversary season

October 3rd, the Orenburg State Tatar Drama Theater named after Mirkhaydar Faizi opens its 25th theatrical season. Longing to see the audience will be presented a classic play by Tatar dramatist Mirkhaydar Faizi “Lost Soul.” Orenburgers on September 5-6 were on tour in Astrakhan, and began working in their native walls. Creative collective began working on the play Fatikh Amirkhan ...

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Regional festival of Tatar song held in Penza

Regional Festival of Tatar song took place in Penza. For the first time it was held in the open air. It was held in the city “Sputnik” where high-rise buildings are combined with a unique natural landscape. The festival of Tatar song was held in the Year of Culture, announced in Russia. On a visit to the Muslims of the ...

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In foreign archives – documents about the Tatars

October 1-2, at the Institute of History named after Sh.Mardjani of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, International Conference “Documents on history and culture of the Tatars in foreign archives” is to be held. The conference is hosted by the Sh. Mardzhani Institute of History of the RT Academy of Sciences together with the Main Archive Department under the Cabinet of Ministers ...

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