February 11 a new Tatar film "Aisylu" directed by Rustam Rashitov premieres at the cinema "Mir". "Aisylu" - a new feature film, shot in Tatarstan, a touching story of "Cinderella Kazan."
January 28, the Tyumen Regional Museum named after D. Mendeleev solemnly handed an electronic copy of the manuscript of the XIX century by Tatar theologian al Abunasir Gazania al - Kursavi to Congress of Tatars of the Tyumen region, later the copy will be given to the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In a small hall of the regional House of Culture a presentation of a new social organization - "Local national-cultural autonomy of Tatars", whose purpose - to preserve, develop and promote the culture and traditions of the Tatar people took place.
From February 9 to 15, G.Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre goes on tour to Samara and Orenburg. The tour poster presents the latest premieres of the theater. In Orenburg - from February 12 to 15.
On January 30, the G.Tukai Tatar State Philharmonic, an anniversary concert of Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, artistic director of the G.Tukai Tatar State Philharmonic and RT state ensemble of folk music Aydar Fayzrahmanov takes place.
The Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after D.I. Mendeleev book - illustrated exhibition "Living Library: yesterday, today and tomorrow", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan has opened.