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Mawlid al-Nabi in Samara

Along with all the Muslims of the world, Russian Tatars began also to celebrate this holiday. As everyone knows, from January 2, 2014 started a month Rabigul auval . It was during this blessed month the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born. Muslims around the world every year on the 12th night of the month Rabigul auval of ...

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Winter Muslim camp at the Gailya mosque

A Muslim camp at the Kazan mosque Gailya began working. For the first time children have rest here during the winter holidays. The mosque was opened to the Eid al-Adha. According to the deputy mufti of Tatarstan Rustam Khairullin , who is both hatyb- imam of the mosque, this year 35 girls and 25 boys spend their vacations in the ...

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Zlatoustovtsers read Jalil

The second round of the third competition of readers of the best expressive reading of the works of the great Tatar poet, hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil, which was held in Central library, attracted the participation from more than 20 schools in the town. 62 young Zlatoustovtsers represented creativity of M. Jalil, competing in two categories – Russian ...

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Great reward for many years of service

In connection with the 400th anniversary of the Troubles times, overcoming and restoring the Russian state, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims (TsDUM), Russia, Supreme Mufti Talgat Tajuddin awarded Imperial Medal ” Jubilee of All-People Feat. 1613-2013 “. Commemorative medal was presented to the supreme mufti by director of the Association of noble meetings of Turkic peoples of Russia ...

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Magic celebration in Surgut

A New Year – the most anticipated holiday of magic, and adults, and children waiting from it for some miracle … especially the children. Here we are – members of autonomy Tatar city of Surgut, teachers of Sunday Tatar schools and parents of children participating in the ensemble «Sandugach» decided to give their children a miracle and made a fabulous ...

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Language of Siberian Tatars received international recognition

Discussions about a Siberian Tatars independent language or dialect is still Tatar literary were held in 90-ies of the last century. This autumn, Sibirskotatarsky was officially recognized at the international level as an independent language. International Organization for Standardization has assigned to it a personal code STI. It should be noted that UNESCO included sibirskotatarsky language in the list of ...

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Siberian nightingale – the face of the Tyumen region

A Mother-heroine from Tobolsk Zakin Arangulova was rated an outstanding person in the region according to the weekly newspaper Arguments and Facts in Western Siberia. A Siberian nightingale, just so loving countrymen call her, she became the winner of the popular vote “AMF” – “35 successful ideas – 35 successful people”, IA Mangazeya reports. Zakina – khanum, – mother of ...

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Altai will send a representative to Tatarstan

According to the decision of Governor Alexander Karlin, Anvar Aminov appointed representative of the Altai Krai in the Republic of Tatarstan, the official website of the Altai Krai informs. Anvar Aminov is a chairman of local national-cultural autonomy of Altai Krai Tatars created in 2005. He also is CEO of “Altai Tatarstan”.

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A bust of Tatar poet Ahmed Yerikei unveiled at the birthplace of the poet in Bashkortostan

In the village Ulkundy of Duvan region , Bashkortstan, a bust to outstanding Tatar songwriter Ahmed Erikei unveiled. Opening of the sculpture took place on the day of the 111th anniversary of his birth. Admirers of the poet, the authorities, the public , literary and media came for the opening ceremony of the bust. On the same day, in Ulkundy ...

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