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Interregional festival of theater collectives “Idel Yort” dedicated to Tufan Minnullin is over

November 26, a meeting of the National Organizing Committee and Jury of Interregional Festival of theater collectives “Idel Yort”. took place at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. Jurors in their speeches emphasized a high level of mastery of amateur actors and a variety of repertoire of folk theaters. Members of the jury recommended the RT Ministry ...

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January 25, 2014, at 17:00, the world premiere of Tatar opera White Wolf (Ak Bure) takes place. Over the past 7 years, it is a first premiere of  Tatar opera of such scale. Tatar national opera artists have been preparing for two years. The idea of staging belongs to Alexander Sladkovsky. The libretto of a new opera worked young, but ...

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Kasimov Muslims hope that buildings of historic mosques will be transferred to believers

November 22, 2013, a local Muslim religious organization of Kasimov town of Ryazan oblast (LMOM of Kasimov) once again submitted an appeal to the town Administration of Kassimov, regarding transfer of buildings “New” mosque and ” Castro’s ” madrassa to ownership of Kasimov LMOM. Last month, the Muslim community has received a letter of refusal in passing of religious buildings ...

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Guest of Sambo holiday in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – a legendary Rais Rakhmatuulin

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the recognition of Sambo in Russia, a holiday in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk took place. Guest of honor of the holiday was an outstanding sambist, Tatar by nationality, multiple champion of Russia and the world Rakhmatuulin Rais. A solemn meeting was attended by representatives of RSOO Sambo Federation of Sakhalin Oblast as well as national, including ...

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Day of Siberian-Tatar language to be held in Tyumen city

November 29, Day of Siberian-Tatar language to be held in Tyumen city. Organizer of the event – a national-cultural autonomy of the Siberian of Tatars of Tyumen. The program of the Day: an excursion into History and Culture of Siberian Tatars, meeting in the literary salon themed Language – soul of the people. Also, an exhibition-competition of meals of Siberian ...

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