All the world community celebrates April 26 anniversary of the great William Shakespeare. Tinchurin Theatre also participates in this event with its play "Hamlet. The scenes."
In the Republic of Tatarstan, April 21- 27, will be held the first inter-museum action "Museum Spring in Tatarstan - 2014", initiated by the Museum Association of Tatarstan , with active support of the Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan, the RT Tourism Agency Republic and the National Museum of Tatarstan.
April 25, the Kamal Tatar State Academic Theater holds the anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Alsu Gainullina. The actress marks her personal anniversary, 60 years and 40 years at the Kamal Theater. Alsu Gaynullina performed more than 50 roles at the home theater. This is Shafika in the play ” We will return” by Ayaz Gilyazov , Zohra ...
From April 15 to 19, Ashgabat hosts II International Theatre Festival "Theatre Arts of Happy Era", which involves 16 theaters from 14 countries: USA, China, Iran, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus and others. Russia on this forum present 3 theaters companies from St. Petersburg, Astrakhan and Naberezhnye Chelny.
April 18, the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan holds a presentation of the unique book of an outstanding theologian, enlightner, poet and public figure of XVIII century Yalchygola Tajuddin ( 1768-1838 ) - " Risalyai Gaziza" ("Message Gazizа").
April 12, in Kungur (Perm region), at the House of Culture of machine builders, the XII city competition of Tatar and Bashkir song and dance " Yash yoldyzlar " ( "Young Stars ") took place.
In the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, a final of the regional competition "Tatar yegete - 2014 " will be held. The event will take place April 15 at the youth center " Shatlyk."