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Presentation of the book “Kasimov Khanate” in Ryazan

On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, in Ryazan, at the department of local history of Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky the book by Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Cheremin "Kasimov Khanate (XV-XVIII century)" was presented. In the monograph, on the basis of referred, never investigated by researchers, of historical sources, a unique story, in its way, the state - Kasimov Khanate (Meshchera yurt) is given.

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Press Conference of IV All-Russian gathering of entrepreneurs from Tatar villages of the regions of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan

March 20-22, 2015, the Board of the World Congress of Tatars and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan holds IV All-Russian gathering of entrepreneurs from Tatar villages of the regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. Currently, the gathering will be attended by 500 representatives of small businesses, farms and homesteads from more than 30 regions of the Russian Federation, including the Republic of Tatarstan. Also, the event is expected to be attended by the President R.N.Minnikhanov.

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