At the elections to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, past 14 of September, this year, chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov has been elected deputy. 96 percent of Arsky single-mandate constituency № 46 expressed their confidence in him. The staff of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars ...
Brothers Ayrat and Radik Shaymievs have been included in the new edition of the rating Forbes «10 richest families in Russia", which they appeared on the fifth line.
On September 2, at a briefing at Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers, Tatarstan Minister of Information and Communications Roman Shaikhutdinov said that the first stage of priority registration in a new top-level domain .TATAR started. The priority registration will continue till October 27. Open registration will be available from March 23, 2015. The new top-level domain .TATAR will comprise linguistic diversity ...
It was under this name, an exhibition, which is held in Kazan the third in a part of the art project “Contemporary Tatar decorative arts.” This project runs from 2013 by the public organization “Club of Tatar art and culture” in conjunction with the museum-reserve “Kazan Kremlin.” The main purpose of the exhibition – to reveal image of features ornament ...
In Tatarstan the VII All-Russian Spassky fair of folk crafts is being held. The first buyers appeared to be the chairman of Tatarstan Parliament Farid Mukhametshin and head of Yelabuzhsky region Gennady Emelyanov. Spasskaya Fair has become the hallmark of Yelabuga in 2008. The organizers have tried to recreate the atmosphere of a bustling fair here of XIX century with ...
Favorite holiday of Tatars and Bashkirs, Sabantui, has been organized by the regional Tatar national cultural center “Idel” in our city, held in the banquet hall of the regional charity fund “Mahalla”. The celebration was attended by over 200 people. A festive ceremony has been opened by Mullah of Tatar Diaspora of Jizzak region Abyi Rizvan, who read out a ...
Participants of a unique international project "March for Peace and Harmony" Path to the origins of the 2014 " has finished hiking part along the coast of the Black Sea in Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria. Ahead of the final stage along the territory of Greece.
Iftar – breaking of fast, an evening meal in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during which, as is known, believers keep a strict fast – Uraza. Fasting, in turn, is one of the five pillars of the religion of Islam, and is prescribed to all the adults and healthy Muslims. In a hadith, the following words: “For every Muslim ...