Deputy Chairman of RT State Council Rimma Ratnikova participated in the “festival of the plow” in Atyrau region of Kazakhstan. On the eve, the guests from Tatarstan were received by Deputy Akim of Atyrau region Shyngys Mukan. The reception took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The parties discussed the kinship customs, traditions and way of life of the people ...
June 14, village Enkolovo of the Vsevolozhsk region, 30 km from the center of the northern capital of Russia - Saint Petersburg in a big way Tatar-Bashkir national holiday Sabantui took place.
Summer month of June is saturated with national holidays. One of them – Sabantui. It is a celebration of many the Turkic peoples: Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Bashkirs, Tatars. Today, it is better known around the world as the Tatar folk festival. “Saban tuye” – from the Tatar language means “feast of the plow,” agriculture. It is usually arranged after the spring ...
Today, June 15, during his working visit to the Tomsk region, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the celebration of the federal Sabantui. RT President was accompanied by the regional governor Sergei Zhvachkin. In the morning, President of Tatarstan visited the White Cathedral Mosque of Tomsk city. Here, Rustam Minnikhanov was told about of Muslim life in the city ...
June 1, in Yangiyul central park after A. Navoi with organizational assistance of Yangiyul regional administration, public Tatar cultural center of Yangiyul held Tatar national holiday Sabantui.
In Prokopyevsk, at Zenkovskaya park Sabantui was held. Especially for guests buses from Tyrgan and Gorod to Zenkovo traveled. Local bands played on improvised stage stadium. They performed a mosaic of national Russian and Tatar dance. By the way, speech of holyday presenters was translated into the Tatar language. There were many entertainments: all present acquainted with the traditions of ...
June 10, 2014, at 14.00, an exhibition "Colors of Sabantui", which is being organized for the 28th anniversary of opening of the museum opens at G.Tukai Literary Museum.