October 17, the film “Rudolf Nureyev “Rebellious demon” shot on the 75th anniversary of the ballet star comes out to a wide release. “For the first time in the history of the Russian release, we present a documentary that will be shown in cinemas across Russia. We believe that a legendary figure of Rudolf Nureyev will be attractive enough to ...
October 12, at the Center of Tatar culture in Tyumen, a competition, ” Chakсhak – 2013″ among confectioners professionals and lovers of culinary skill is to be held. The contest “Chakсhak – 2013” is a part of the international Youth Action “Chakсhak party». The action covers all countries of the world where there are Tatar Diaspora. On this day, young ...
At the regional center of the village Bolshoi Kaibitsi (Tatarstan), the doors of the Museum of Galia Kaibitsky opened The museum is undergoing a revival. As put into operation 15 years ago, a major repair was not performed not even once. Porch steps completely dilapidated, a building was unattractive to visitors. Now, the appearance of the museum has changed: the ...
The Congress of Muslims of the Kirov region elected a new mufti Zufar Hazrat Galiullin, the Central Religious l Board of Muslims of Russia informs. The order of his appointment was signed by Russian Mufti Talgat Tajuddin. The former vyatskiy mufti Gabdunnur Kamaluddin resigned at his own request. Zufar Hazrat Galiullin was born in 1957 in Kazan, and after finishing ...
A presentation of the poetry collection book of Kazakh classic Magzhan Zhumabaev translated into the Tatar language took place at the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The collection of poems by Magzhan Zhumbaev in Tatar was issued by the Writers’ Union of Tatarstan in Kazan in spring of 2013. The book includes translations of the famous poet ...
Dear teachers! You, teachers, make a huge contribution to the development of national self-consciousness of our people, with your help, more people in our country and around the world will learn about a complicated history, rich culture of the Tatar people. Globalization and the rise of national consciousness – these are difficult conditions in which you are performing your difficult ...
September 28, a harvest festival “Syumbelya” organized by the Society of Tatar culture was held at a secondary school of village Tatarsky Kanadei of Kuznetsky region. A Harvest Festival brought together some settlements of the Kuznetsky region, home to the Tatar population: Bolshoi and Maly Truev, Pendelka Tatar , villages Bestyanka and Tatarsky Kanadei, settlement Evlashevo. “At the festival “Syumbelya”, ...
October 1st, the Day of Elderly Persons, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov met with veterans of the civil service of the Republic. The grand event was held at the NCC "Kazan".
The first group of pilgrims, comprising 200 people, today, October 1, will fly from Kazan on a direct flight to Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) for doing Hajj. At the airport, they will be seen off by Mufti, Chairman of the DUM RT Kamil Hazrat Samigullin. Note that each of the Hajjer, departing on the program “DUM RT Hajj”, is provided with ...
September 26, in the Moscow region, recently opened center of Tatar culture and arts. Together with the center, an exhibition “Friendship of peoples – a dialogue of cultures” Is due to open The exhibition presents art and culture of different peoples living in the Moscow region. On the same day, First festival of national cultures “constellation of talents” will be ...