Today, on November 23, a delegation led by the Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Tatarstan Vasil Shaikhraziev, arrived in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - the city of Nizhnevartovsk.
At the club "Tugan tel" (in translation into Tatar - "Native language") of the Regional House of Culture on November 17, the first time the doors of the Tatar "Abikyai Chaye" ("Tea Party with Grandma") opened.
November 28-29, 2017 in Kazan the annual planned expanded meeting of the World Congress of Tatars with the participation of the leaders of the Tatar public organizations of the regions of the Russian Federation, countries of the far and near abroad will be held.
On November 17, the troupe of the Tatar State Drama and Comedy Theater named after Karim Tinchurin went on a tour to Germany with the play "The Picky Bridegroom".
Within the framework of the grant by Government of the Moscow region on November 12, a master class "Happy longevity to a young family!" took place at the Tatar cultural center.
Today in St. Petersburg, the VI International Cultural Forum, a unique cultural event of the world level, a discussion platform attracting several thousand experts in the field of culture from all over the world began: the stars of the drama theater, opera and ballet, outstanding directors and musicians, public figures, representatives of government and business, academic community.