Home / News / A concert by the orchestra of the G. Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre took place in Moscow
A concert by the orchestra of the G. Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre took place in Moscow

A concert by the orchestra of the G. Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre took place in Moscow

For the first time in Moscow, a grand concert featuring the orchestra of the Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre was conducted by Daniyar Sokolov, a laureate of both national and international competitions.

The orchestra presented the program “Oriental Concerto” in the Small Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

The concert program included works by the renowned classical Tatar composer Rustem Yakhin, with soloist Zolfat Zhiganov, a laureate of international competitions and Associate Professor at the Special Piano Department of the Nazib Zhiganov Kazan Conservatoire. Additionally, Mikhail Pletnev’s “Tatar Rhapsody” for accordion and orchestra was performed, featuring soloist Saidash Fakhraziev, also a laureate of international competitions. The program concluded with Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 3”.

The concert was further enriched by performances from artists of Russia’s oldest national theatre, including the distinguished singing voices of Raihan Gabdullina and Honoured Artist of Tatarstan Rishat Akhmadullin, who delivered a heartfelt rendition of Rustem Yakhin’s beloved romance “Yshanam”.

Source: mincult.tatarstan.ru

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