At school number 7 named. Hero of the Russian Federation M.T. Kalashnikov microdistrict Krutye Klyuchi, Samara city, the issue of possibility of teaching the Tatar language is being resolved.
On behalf of the member of the Council of the World Congress of Tatars, president of the “Duslyk” SRTOO Fakhrutdin Kanyukayev, editor-in-chief of the Tatar-Duslyk website, Iskander Saitov, met with school director Galina Petrovna. During the communication, it turned out that head of the educational institution is doing everything possible to resolve this issue in a positive way.
Iskander Zinnurovich met with Galina Petrovna again today. As a result of the meeting, there was an acquaintance with the prospective candidate for position of a teacher of the Tatar language Milyausha Rakhmatullina. The issues of organizing educational process were discussed and a decision was made that from the second quarter the pupils of school No. 7 of the Krutye Klyuchi microdistrict of Samara will have the opportunity to learn the Tatar language within the walls of their native school. Galina Petrovna promised to do everything possible so that from the second half of the year the study of the Tatar language was included in school curriculum in accordance with the Federal Law of August 3, 2018 “On Amendments to Articles 11 and 14 of the Federal Law“ On Education in the Russian Federation ”.