Yambaev Ilyas Rishatovich – Chairman of the Association of German Tatar youth “Argamak”
“Currently, in Germany there are over 1000 Tatars – the exact number can not be specified, it changes all the time. At the Frankfurt –on-Maine live about 50 Tatars. In Germany, the Tatars came for different reasons, with different goals: one – on different emigration programs, creating a family with Russian Germans or Jews; others – having worked in Germany on contracts found the opportunity to stay. In Germany, the Tatars have come from different regions: in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, from other regions of Russia, Central Asia, Finland. Regarding the Tatar language we have a very interesting things: different voices and different dialects, in my opinion, decorate our Tatar life. If Nizhny Novgorod Tatars invited “tsyatsyakle tsyaynektyan tsay etsyargә”, the Bashkir Tatars say: “Belmyem inde kilmyache bulmas”. And
“Finns” drink tea only “bazaar kyonne”. That’s the way we teach each other, and sometimes joking over each other! ”
HISTORICAL TATAR SITES: In Frankfurt region there are Tatar memorable sites, and frankly speaking, over the whole of Germany there are few of them. However, I think our historic sites are very significant for the Tatars. Firstly, the place where Musa Jalil – Moabit prison. In addition, there are burial place of the Tatar soldiers, who died during the First World War.