The premiere of the play-comedy based on the play of Galiaskar Kamal “Bankrupt” will be held April 14 in the center of culture and leisure named after Kirov.
09.04. 2018
The premiere of the play-comedy based on the play of Galiaskar Kamal “Bankrupt” will be held April 14 in the center of culture and leisure named after Kirov.
The head of the theater Ravilya Iskhakovna Ayukigitova (Kucher) professionally, masterfully selected each performer of his hero, helped them enter into their role and present the essence of the production to the viewer. However, the viewer will soon see and evaluate the production of the play.
With the support of the Penza regional public charitable foundation “Civil Union” and the Penza regional specialized fund for managing the target capital “Capital of the local community”, scenery was made and purchased, theatrical costumes have been prepared.
On the proceeds from the performance, it is planned to purchase and distribute dramaturgic and methodological literature to rural theatrical collectives of the Penza region free of charge.
Thus, the Tatar autonomy will resume the movement of the Tatar national amateur theatrical collectives in the region.