Home / News / Gdansk will host an extended session of the international association of the EU Tatars «AUROPA TATARLAI ALYANSI» (ATA)
Gdansk will host an extended session of the international association of the EU Tatars «AUROPA TATARLAI ALYANSI» (ATA)

Gdansk will host an extended session of the international association of the EU Tatars «AUROPA TATARLAI ALYANSI» (ATA)

From April 11 to 13, the Polish city of Gdansk will host an extended session of the international association of the EU Tatars «AUROPA TATARLAI ALYANSI» (ATA). The Alliance, which announced its existence a year ago in the capital of the European Union in Brussels, aims to address issues of identity in a foreign language environment , transfer of the elements of traditions and customs to succeeding generations, as well as the dissemination of knowledge about the Tatar culture among the European peoples. Two dozen of Tatar public organizations and voluntary associations have expressed then, in the European Parliament , to coordinate their desire to work together, share information, provide friendly support to diverse projects. In addition to their national objectives , as we know, Europe Tatar communities are actively involved in joint activities undertaken by country coordinating councils of compatriots abroad.

Meeting in Poland between leaders and activists is aimed to discuss the socio- psychological aspects of consolidation of Tatar organizations, studying successful experience of the Lithuanian Tatars to preserve their ethnic and cultural identity, ways of interaction between Tatar diasporas with their historical homeland , coordinating the work plans for 2014-15.

In addition to working meetings of ATA members and extended board meeting of alliance, to be held in the conference room of Szymbark hotel, it is planned also the action on laying of wreaths at the monument to Soviet soldiers who fallen in World War II, including the names of the sons of the Tatar people, a tour of Gdansk, a visit to the Cultural Center named after Murza Krychinsky , and a meeting with employees of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in the city of Gdansk.

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