The main goal of the project is to train personnel who will speak the Tatar literary language for the media sphere. The event will be held in the Tatar language.
04.04.2018 0
At the conference hall of the Plenipotentiary Representation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation on April 6, a presentation of the OSTA TATAR project will be held, aimed at expanding the scope of the Tatar literary language.
The main goal of the project is to train personnel who will speak the Tatar literary language for the media sphere. The event will be held in the Tatar language.
The project manager is candidate in Philology, editor-in-chief of the program “Manzara” on the TV channel “Tatarstan – New Century” Milyausha Sibgatullina. She will hold a master class on oratory. Within the framework of the meeting, the participant of the event will also learn how not to get confused when speaking before an audience, to develop confidence in public speaking and how to work properly with a microphone. In addition, everyone will master the technique of fast memorization of the text.