On the eve of the celebration of the International Mother Language Day in Karakol, the Issyk-Kul oblast, the Kyrgyz Republic, with the participation of representatives of local authorities, teachers of the Issyk-Kul State University, a scientific and practical conference on “Mother tongue-the soul of the people” was held.
Reports and discussions were given by teachers, representatives of all ethnic groups living in the city. The main attention was paid to the problems of preserving the native and Russian language, a resolution was adopted on the need to increase the effectiveness of studying the Kyrgyz and native language, strengthening the position of the Russian language.
February 21, 2018 was the festival of the native language, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the memory of the writer Ch. Aitmatov. Each ethnic group in their native language showed a dramatization, read poems or a monologue from his works.
The Tatar-Bashkir NGO “Tatylyk” acquainted the participants with the culture, traditions and customs of the Tatar people, showed miniatures from the life of the family of Ch. Aitmatov, the performance was completed by singing G. Tukai’s “Tugan tel.”
Deputy Chairman
NGO “Tatulyk” H. Shakirov