Home / News / Opening of a memorial plaque to the natives of Tatarstan who took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress
Opening of a memorial plaque to the natives of Tatarstan who took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress

Opening of a memorial plaque to the natives of Tatarstan who took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress

On July 28, in Brest, the Republic of Belarus, a commemorative plaque was unveiled to the natives of the Republic of Tatarstan, who during the Great Patriotic War took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress, the liberation of the Republic of Belarus and Brest. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of the Tatars Vasil Shaykhraziev.

“It’s great that the exploits of our fathers are passed on to our children. We hope that the friendship between the two countries will continue to develop,” Mr. Shaykhraziev said. Then the Chairman of the National Council laid flowers on behalf of the Government of Tatarstan.

The ceremony was also attended by the head of the city of Brest Sergey Lobodinsky, the head of the deputy corps Andrey Filanovich.

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