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Out of our ranks Saniya Annenkova left

Out of our ranks Saniya Annenkova left

Out of our ranks Annenkova Saniya Iskandarovna at 93 year of life passed away,  the elder of the editorial board of the newspaper “Tatar dunyasy” (Tatar world).

Until recently, Sania Apa remained an active correspondent for the newspaper, her  materials differed in that she  wrote exclusively about famous people of its nation. Having carefully studied the material before handing over to the editor, she demanded from others that they treat her works with respect. And she, too, was always ready to help with advice, to share information, to prompt the most interesting facts about someone in the upcoming material. To the best of a strict, always fair, sociable – until the last days she remained in her right mind, gladly accepted invitations to various events and tried to attend these events.

The death of Annenkova Saniya Iskandarovna is a great loss for the newspaper and for our society.

We offer our condolences to the  only son, Annenkov Gadel, for whom the leaving  of his closest and dearest soul, MOTHER, is a great loss and grief in his life.

Avyr Tufraklaryn  Zhinel Bulsyn, Urynnary  Ozhmakhta  Bulsyn, Hermyatle Saniya apa.

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