Home / News / Perm Tatars congratulated Сhairman of the National Council on his birthday
Perm Tatars congratulated Сhairman of the National Council on his birthday

Perm Tatars congratulated Сhairman of the National Council on his birthday

Dear Vasil Gabdelgayazovich!

On behalf of the Perm Tatar National Cultural Autonomy, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. You have made a huge contribution to the preservation of the national identity of the Tatar people, their culture, and the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan. Due to your organizational skills, national-cultural autonomies are very active not only in Russia, but also in the world.

I wish you good health, prosperity, happiness, new creative successes and achievements!

Chairman of the Council of the Perm Tatar national-cultural autonomy,
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor D.G. Zakirov

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