Home / News / Regional Sabantuy will be held in the Southern Urals
Regional Sabantuy will be held in the Southern Urals

Regional Sabantuy will be held in the Southern Urals

The Plow Festival will take place on June 15 near the village of Norkino, Argayash district, Chelyabinsk region.

Guests of Sabantuy will be able to see the color and originality of a Turkic wedding. Along with traditional events, the culture of the Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh peoples will be presented.

The Ufa Song and Dance Ensemble “Miras”, artists of the Uchalin Philharmonic of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Arsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan, and creative national groups of the Chelyabinsk Region will delight with their performances.

The holiday will also include a trade fair, a national entertainment venue, and horse racing.

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