Home / News / “Tatar Kyzy” Finalists must adhere to literary language norms, says Insaf Abdullin
“Tatar Kyzy” Finalists must adhere to literary language norms, says Insaf Abdullin

“Tatar Kyzy” Finalists must adhere to literary language norms, says Insaf Abdullin

Insaf Abdullin, Honored Artist of Tatarstan, announcer, and presenter, addressed the finalists of the “Tatar Kyzy” competition during a press conference dedicated to the event. He shared his observations regarding the contestants’ progress in stage speech during their training.

“Concerning the language aspect”, Abdullin remarked, “it has been satisfactory compared to previous years. It appears there was a lack of regional qualification stages, which could have indicated their language proficiency. However, the girls have shown improvement in their language skills through participation in the preparatory stage. Your current level is sufficient for everyday communication, and it’s commendable. Yet, if you intend to participate in an international competition, a thorough understanding and observance of literary norms in your speech is essential. I might be strict at times, and time is limited. Without the fundamental knowledge, mastering the language in a single day is impossible”.

Abdullin encouraged the finalists to retain the unique characteristics of their regional dialects.

“Each region possesses its own distinctive local speech, and these variations are truly beautiful. It’s crucial to preserve the language of your region. You shoulder a significant responsibility as representatives of your region’s Tatars. People should observe you and say, “That’s what Tatar women from that region are like!” I wish you success in your endeavors. Regardless of your location and profession, never forget that you represent the Tatar people. If someone inquires, :Who are they, the Tatars?” you should be capable of providing a response”, Insaf Abdullin emphasized.

The final of the International “Tatar Kyzy” competition is scheduled for September 11th in Penza. Currently, 11 finalists are undergoing preparatory training in Kazan.

Geluza Ibragimova

Source: tatar-inform.ru

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