Home / News / Tatar national holiday Sabantuy took place in Grozny
Tatar national holiday Sabantuy took place in Grozny

Tatar national holiday Sabantuy took place in Grozny

On June 30, Tatar national holiday Sabantuy was held in Grozny.

The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaykhraziev. Also, the guest of honor of the holiday was Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Aishat Kadyrova.

Stylized houses with courtyards were set up on the central square of Grozny, where guests were able to get acquainted with the traditions of the Tatar people.

The “Family Hearth” house reveals the life of a Tatar family, symbolizing mutual respect, hospitality and hard work. “House of Wisdom” unites folk pedagogy, the philosophy of educational thought of public figures of the Tatar and Chechen peoples. At the “National Cuisine” house, guests of the holiday were able to take part in master classes and taste national dishes “Baursak” and “Shurpa”.

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