Home / News / The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan to integrate the Tatar language into Yandex services
The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan to integrate the Tatar language into Yandex services

The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan to integrate the Tatar language into Yandex services

The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan has signed an agreement with Yandex, with the ceremony taking place today as part of Kazan Digital Week. Rifkat Minnikhanov, President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, and Anton Moskalenkov, Director for Regional Cooperation at the Russian multinational information technology company, affixed their signatures to the document.

“The agreement pertains to advancements in automatic text and speech processing. The Academy of Sciences possesses substantial developments and datasets. Our objective is to integrate the Tatar language into Yandex services to the fullest extent possible”, stated Rinat Gilmullin, Director of the Institute of Applied Semiotics at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, in an interview with “Tatar-Inform” following the signing.

Earlier during Kazan Digital Week, a software complex for centralized management of computers and users in a mixed network was presented, aimed at facilitating a seamless transition for Russian enterprises to domestic software solutions.

Source: tatar-inform.ru

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