Home / News / The contest of Tatar and Bashkir music “Yazgy Tamchy” was held in Udmurtia
The contest of Tatar and Bashkir music “Yazgy Tamchy” was held in Udmurtia

The contest of Tatar and Bashkir music “Yazgy Tamchy” was held in Udmurtia

On May 4, the Interregional competition of Tatar and Bashkir music “Yazgi tamchi” (Spring drops) was held at the House of Friendship of Peoples.

“Yazgy Tamchy” is a festival-competition of performers of Tatar and Bashkir music, in which young musicians share their creative talents. This year, 38 young performers gathered.

This event was held by the Tatar Public Center of Udmurtia with the support of the Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan, Yanarysh newspaper.

The festival traditionally ended with a big gala concert.

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