Home / News / The Day of national costume of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkiria will be  celebrated online
The  Day of  national costume of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkiria will be  celebrated online

The Day of national costume of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkiria will be  celebrated online

April  12, 2020

For four days, the republic will plunge into the theme of national costumes of the peoples of Bashkiria. According to the decree by  Head of the region, Radiy Khabirov, April 16 was declared the Day of National Costumes of the Peoples of the Republic of Bashkiria, but due to the current situation around the coronavirus, the planned events will have to be carried out online. Connoisseurs of historical and cultural heritage will enjoy master classes, video lectures, presentations and lessons.

“26 diverse events related to the authenticity of national clothes. All of them will be posted according to the plan of holding the playlist of the same name on the YouTube channel of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Bashkiria, ”the organizers said.

Also, everyone will be able to find out the history of the appearance of costumes, why the French shawl came into fashion with Bashkir women; they will be able to independently make jewelry for the German folk costume “Blümchen” (flower), as well as learn how to dance the Tatar national dance.

On April 17, the photo mob in national costumes flash mob starts in the republic. Everyone will be able to post their photos with hashtags # natskostyumrb # natskostyum_ddnrb # i love the natsyukostyum on social networks VKontakte, and Instagram.




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